![]() ![]() by Fr. Francis Xavier Weninger, 1877
St. Anthony, who derived his surname from the city of Padua, in Italy, because he spent many years there in preaching the Gospel, was a native of Lisbon, in Portugal. He received, in holy baptism, the name of Ferdinand, and was very piously educated by his parents. No sooner had he become acquainted with the dangers of the world, than he, in the fifteenth year of his age, to be safe from temptation, went into the cloister of the regular Canons, which is not far from Lisbon, where he also made his religious vows. As, however, he was disturbed too much there by the visits of his friends, he went, with the permission of his superiors, to Coimbra, into the monastery of the Holy Cross. To this house came, one day, five friars of the Order of St. Francis, who were travelling to Africa to preach the Gospel to the Moors. They suffered martyrdom, however, soon after their arrival there, and their holy bodies were brought back to the monastery of the Holy Cross, at Coimbra, and solemnly interred in the church attached to it. Antony, hearing how fearlessly these martyrs had preached the true faith and had suffered for Christ's sake, conceived an intense desire to preach the Gospel to the heathen and to give his life for the word of God. Hence, he determined to enter the Order of St. Francis, that he might have an opportunity to gratify the wishes of his heart.
Practical Considerations
After much hardship, he was at length, when 20 years of age, received into the Order, and after his novitiate, he obtained permission to sail for Africa and preach the Gospel to the Saracens. Scarcely had he arrived there, when God proved him by a severe sickness, which exhausted all his strength, and forced him to return to Spain. The ship, however, in which he embarked for home, encountered contrary winds, and instead of going to Spain, was driven to Sicily. No sooner had he set foot on land, than he heard that St. Francis, the holy founder of his order, had called a general chapter at Assisium. He immediately went thither, in order to receive the blessing of the Saint, which was cheerfully given. When the assemblage dispersed, not one among the superiors was found willing to be burdened with Antony, who was greatly enfeebled by his long illness, and moreover, was thought to be not quite sane. The Father Provincial of the Roman province was at last moved with compassion, and sent him to a house called Mount St. Paul, which was situated in a wilderness. There St. Antony lived a most austere life, performing the most humble labor, and occupying all his other time with prayers and holy meditations. After passing several years in this manner, he was sent with a few other religious to Forli to be ordained priest. The guardian of the monastery requested the Dominican priests, who had also assembled there, that one of them should make an exhortation or deliver a short sermon. As they all excused themselves from so doing, he said, more in jest than in earnest, that brother Antony should speak to those assembled. Antony obeyed, and delivered so eloquent a sermon that all were astonished at his knowledge and ability, as, until now, they had deemed him one of the least gifted. Not willing that his extraordinary talent should any longer be hidden, St. Francis himself had him ordained priest, and gave him a double employment, namely, to instruct his brethren in theology and also to preach. The duties of both functions were discharged by him, with great credit to himself and an indescribable benefit to others. He converted the most hardened sinners by his sermons, and among others induced twenty-two murderers to do penance and change their wicked course of life. The heretics he convinced so thoroughly of their errors, that they could not withstand him, on account of which he was called the "Hammer of the heretics." Many of them he converted to the true faith, among whom was Bonovillus, who had denied the substantial presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Not able to reply to Antony's arguments he requested the following miracles. Having starved his ass for three days, he was to bring him food at the same time that Saint Antony should come with the holy Eucharist; and if the beast, before touching his food, should fall down before the Blessed Sacrament, he would believe the Saint's words. At the appointed time, the Saint arrived with the Blessed Sacrament, accompanied by many Catholics, and addressing the ass, which was held by Bonovillus, he said: "I command thee, in the name of thy Creator and my Saviour, whom I, although an unworthy priest, carry at this moment in my hands, that you come, in all humility, and pay Him due honors." Bonovillus, at the same time, threw down the animal's food and called him to come and eat. But without touching the food, the ass fell down on his fore knees, and bent his head. The Catholics rejoiced at this incontestable miracle, but the heretics hid their heads and Bonovillus was converted. At Rimini, the chief seat of the heretics, he ascended the pulpit; but as no heretic would come and listen to him, the Saint went to the sea-shore, where just at that time many of them were standing, and called to the fishes to hear his words, as men would not be instructed. And behold! suddenly a great number of fishes raised their heads out of the water, as if to listen. Speaking for a short time of their Creator, he blessed and dismissed them. This miracle caused the heretics to listen more attentively to St. Antony and to follow his admonitions. At another time, he made the sign of the cross over a goblet filled with poison, and drank it without being harmed. The cause of his doing this was that some heretics promised to return to the true Church, if he would drink the poison and not die. A perpetual miracle was the fact that, although he preached only in one language, yet all his hearers understood him, no matter what might be their nationality. Who can count all the miracles God wrought through this Saint, or who can sufficiently praise the wonderful gifts with which he was graced? More than once it happened that at the same time when he was standing in the pulpit to preach, he appeared also in the choir and sang the lesson of the daily office of the Church, which was pointed out to him. He prophesied many future events and knew by divine revelation many secrets of the heart. There lived, in a French city, a writer, who publicly led a most immoral life. St. Antony resided for some time in this city, and as often as he met this man, he bowed very low to him. The writer, on perceiving it, was greatly incensed, as he believed it was done by the holy man only to deride him: hence he reproached him with menacing words. The Saint, however, replied: "Be not surprised that I show such respect to you before others. I have long prayed God for the grace to die a martyr, but it has not been granted me. You, however, will receive this honor, and therefore I evince such particular respect for you." Although the writer laughed and made a mockery of this prophecy, yet the future showed that the Saint had spoken the truth. After the expiration of some time, this immoral man made a voyage to the Holy Land, in company with the Bishop of the city. On arriving there, he was seized by the Saracens, who demanded of him that he should deny his faith. He, however, remained firm in confessing it, and after having been greatly tormented, he suffered the death of a martyr. St. Antony was as undaunted and fearless in punishing the wicked, when circumstances required it, as he was famous by the gift of prophecy. At that period Florence was governed by Ezelinus, who, among other cruel deeds, had executed 11,000 men of Padua, part of whom were in his service and part in garrison at Verona, because the inhabitants of Padua had rebelled. Nobody dared to oppose this tyrant in the execution of further barbarities but St. Antony, who had sufficient courage to go to him, and representing most powerfully his inhuman conduct, threatened him with the just wrath of the Almighty and the torments of hell, in case he repented not and abstained from, his tyranny. During this menace flames of fire darted from the countenance of St. Antony, as Ezelinus afterwards related, which so thoroughly frightened the tyrant, that he fell trembling at the feet of the Saint, and most earnestly promised repentance. As he converted this and many other sinners by admonition, he moved others , in a different way to do penance. Many said that he had suddenly appeared before them at night and exhorted them to repent. "Rise quickly, said he at such times, and confess the sin by which you have offended the majesty of God." I should hardly know where to end, were I to relate all that St. Antony did to convert sinners, or how many future events he foretold. I will mention only a few more facts, from which the conclusion may be drawn that, as the holy man appeared in different places at the same time, so also, by the power of God, he was miraculously transported, in one moment, from one place to another. The father of St. Antony resided at Lisbon in Portugal, as treasurer of the royal revenues, the duties of which office he discharged with fidelity and integrity. One day, he was requested by some gentlemen in the king's service to advance them some money out of the king's treasury, making a verbal promise to return the same in a short time. The pious treasurer, who neither feared deception nor danger, gave them what they asked, without taking a written receipt. When the time arrived at which he had to deliver his account, he asked the officers for the borrowed money, but they denied having received any. This perfidy grieved the kind man deeply, and he knew not what to do. Seeking refuge in fervent prayers to God, he received help in a miraculous way through his son, who resided at that time in Italy. At the time he was to appear before the royal judge to be sentenced to return the missing money, his holy son suddenly appeared in the room, and addressed the officers in the following manner: "This kind man, my father, has advanced you, upon your request, a sum of money out of the royal treasury, on such a day, at such an hour, in such a place, as is well known to you. I warn you to return it to him and to indemnify him; otherwise, divine vengeance will strike you, and you will be heavily punished." The guilty men were not less astonished at the presence of the holy man, than at his menaces and the revelation of their wickedness. They immediately testified in writing how much each of them had received, promising at the same time to repay it in a short time. No sooner was this done, than the Saint disappeared from their view. This pious treasurer was in still greater danger at another time. He was accused of having committed murder, and sentence was to be executed on him and his servant on the following day. Antony was at Padua; but God revealed to him what had taken place at Lisbon. The Saint asked permission of his superior to seek some recreation out of the city. Hardly was he out of the place, when, like Habakuk, he was carried by an angel through the air to Lisbon. He went to the judge and represented his father's innocence. Finding, however, no willing ear in the judge, he repaired to the grave of the murdered man, commanded him to rise, and leading him to the judge, he requested of him to say if his father was the man, who, with the aid of his servant had assassinated him. The risen man replied distinctly: "No: it was not he." The Judge requested that St. Antony should demand of him the name of the real murderer: the Saint, however, replied: " I have not come to bring death to a guilty man, but to rescue the innocent." Upon this, his father and his servant were released, and Antony was carried back to Padua by the angel. After this wonder-working servant of God had filled all Italy and France with the fame of his miracles and conversions, God revealed to him his approaching last hour. He repaired to an isolated spot, and having prepared himself for his end, he returned very sick to Padua, received extreme unction, recited the seven Penitential Psalms, and his usual prayer: "O Glorious Lady, &c." The divine mother appeared to him with the child Jesus, and the Saint conversed with them most lovingly until his pure soul went to the abode of the blessed. This took place in 1231, when he was hardly 36 years of age. They desired to keep his death concealed from the people for some time, but the little children proclaimed it by calling out in the streets: "The Saint is dead." Thirty-two years later, when his holy remains were raised, his tongue was found entirely incorrupt. St. Bonaventure taking it in his-hand, said: "O blessed tongue, which always praised God and taught others how to praise Him! Now we have evidence how great thy merits were before God!" The Saint is generally represented with the divine Child, as He appeared to him and embraced him. The lilies are also dedicated to him as an emblem of his unspotted innocence and purity. It is well known that this Saint is invoked when things are lost or have been purloined. Countless occurrences show at this day that the intercession of this Saint is powerful at the throne of the Almighty.
St. Antony commands a senseless animal to fall down before the Blessed Eucharist and to honor it; the animal obeys and thus honors its Creator. You have, in the Holy Sacrament, your Lord and God, your Redeemer and Judge before you. You know the command of the Most High : "The Lord thy God thou shalt adore" (St. Mark iv.). "For every knee shall be bowed to thee" (Isaiah xlv.). The Church of Christ says to you and others: "Come, let us bow down and worship God: let us weep before God who has created us because He is our God and we are his people." Are you not then ashamed, if, notwithstanding all this, you conduct yourself, in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, with less reverence than an unreasonable animal? That those who are not Catholics should not manifest due honor to the Blessed Sacrament is wrong in them, but they have, at least before man, the excuse that they do not believe in the real presence of Christ. But how can you excuse yourself, either before God or man, you who believe in the presence of Christ, and yet give not due honor to your God? "If I believed," said a Turkish ambassador, one day, speaking of the little respect evinced by some Catholics in the Church, "that my God were substantially here, I would humble myself to the ground, and if possible, even beneath it." And what do you think, who believe it, and are still too indolent to bend your knee before your God? Do you not consider that your divine Judge, whom you honor so little, will one day punish your irreverence towards Him? Reform, while you have time.
The virtuous tongue of St. Antony, according to the testimony of St. Bonaventure, always praised the Lord and taught others to praise him also. This is indeed a great praise, a splendid testimonial to the sanctity of St. Antony. Can you lay claim to similar praise? Is such a sign of virtue found in you? I leave these questions to be answered by your conscience. But I fear greatly that there is no member of your body, with which you have more frequently offended God and given scandal to your neighbor, than your tongue. Endeavor, therefore, in future to avoid this. It is true that the Evil One makes use of the tongue, in preference to every other member, as a tool to offend God, as St. Chrysostom says. The devil knows by experience that he has by it cast thousands into destruction, over whom he was not able to prevail by the misuse of any other member. Hence, according to the opinion of St Jerome, when, by the permission of the Almighty, he covered the whole body of Job with a frightful disease, he left his tongue, lips and teeth free from it; because he hoped Job would with his tongue blaspheme the Lord and so commit sin. These are the words of the holy sufferer: "The flesh being consumed, my bone hath cleaved to my skin, and nothing but lips are left about my teeth" (Job xix.). "Hence," says St. Jerome, "Satan did not injure his tongue and lips, that he might leave him the means for blaspheming the Lord." But as Job, according to the testimony of Holy Writ, did not commit sin with his tongue, so may you, aided by the Almighty, avoid the vices of the tongue and use it as St. Antony did, in uttering the praises of God. Pray to him this day for the particular grace to follow the example of the Saint in this point. "O Lord, thou wilt open my lips: and my mouth shall declare thy praise" (Psalm 1). ![]() St. Anthony (Patron of the Poor)
St. Anthony of Padua (1195 - 1231), Portuguese by birth, journeyed to Italy while still a young priest to join the recently founded Franciscans. His eloquence in preaching against error and wickedness led to his being called "the hammer of the heretics." He is the patron of the poor and is invoked for the recovery of lost articles.
Novena to Saint Anthony
We Salute thee, Saint Anthony lily of purity, ornament and glory of Christianity. We rejoice at the favors God has so liberally bestowed on thee. In humility and confidence we entreat thee to help us for we know that God has given thee charity and pity as well as power. Then behold our distress, our anxiety, our fears concerning [Here mention your intentions.] We ask it of thee by the love thou didst feel for the divine Child when he loaded thee with caresses. Tell Him of our wants. Remember thy rapture when thou didst clasp Him to thy heart when thou didst press thy cheek to His and didst listen to His divine whispers. One sigh from thee whom He honors will crown our success and fill us with joy. Think of this and hear our prayer. Obtain for us all that we desire and we will publish thy greatness thereby to glorify Him by whom thou wert so highly favored. Amen O Holy Saint Anthony, Gentlest of Saints, your love for God and charity for His creatures made you worthy when on earthy to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me my request [Here mention your intentions.] The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the Saint of miracles. O Gentle and Loving Saint Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, Who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Saint Anthony, loved and honored by the divine Child Jesus, Obtain what we ask of thee. Saint Anthony, powerful in word and work, Obtain what we ask of thee. Saint Anthony, attentive to those who invoke thee, Obtain what we ask of thee. The Efficacious Prayers in Honor of the Blessed Tongue of Saint Anthony of Padua
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord and cause others to bless Him! To reward thee God has glorified thy tongue by granting to it upon this earth the favor of incorruptibility which has continued for seven centuries. I bless thy tongue, I praise and venerate it with the same sentiments of faith, devotion and love that animated Saint Bonaventure when he kissed it, praised it, blessed it and venerated it. I thank the Lord Who has sanctified thy tongue, rendering it miraculous and glorious on earth, and I beg Him to grant a true devotion toward thee, that I may merit thy protection during this life, in all my spiritual and corporal needs, and merit also to rise again with all the privileges of the glorious bodies of the Saints.
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Blessed Tongue, which always didst bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, now does it appear plainly how highly thou were esteemed by God. O marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord and cause others to bless, praise, thank and pray to Him, I bless, praise and venerate thee, I thank God Who created thy tongue and sanctified it by His grace, and I implore Him, through thy merits, to purify and sanctify my tongue, that by it I may continually praise, bless and thank the Lord, and never offend Him.Second Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, without ever offending Him, by words or guilty conversations, I bless, praise and venerate thee, and thanking God Who preserved thee from all sins of the tongue implore Him through thy merits, to preserve my tongue from every sinful word and discourse.Third Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always receive Jesus in His Sacrament worthily, I bless, praise and venerate thee, thanking God Who has sanctified thee by His graces and His Most Holy Sacrament, I implore Him to pardon me for having so often profaned by sin my tongue, sanctified and consecrated so many times by contact with the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in my communions. O great Saint, obtain for me the grace to preserve my tongue pure and spotless from sin, that I may henceforth merit to receive Jesus Christ worthily in the Sacrament of His love. Fourth Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, praying and singing to Him with devotion and attention, I bless, praise and venerate thee. I thank God for giving thee the spirit of prayer and gift of contemplation, and through thy merits, I implore Him to grant me the grace that all the prayers my tongue shall recite may spring from an attentive and recollected heart. Fifth Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, with Whom thou didst hold familiar conversation when He appeared to thee under the form of a graceful Child, I bless, praise and venerate thee, and thanking God for the sweet apparitions and tender conversations with which He favored thee, I implore thee to obtain for me the grace to always converse devoutly and affectionately with Jesus in His Sacrament after Holy Communion.Sixth Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, by teaching men the knowledge of their faith and duties by converting so many sinners and infidels, I bless, praise and venerate thee. I thank God Who has given thee so much charity, wisdom and zeal, and I implore you to obtain from Him the same gifts for me, and for all, that we may labor, by our examples and words, to procure the glory of God, and the conversion of sinners and infidels.Seventh Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, when in preaching and speaking in one language, thou wert, by a miracle, heard, at a distance, and understood by people of every nation and language, I bless, praise and venerate thee, and, thanking God for making of thee such a zealous workman and so admirable in the conversion of sinners, I implore thee, to attract the blessings of divine goodness on my tongue, that it may never do harm, and may always promote the glory of God and my neighbor's welfare.Eighth Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, when they saw the fish themselves obey thee, and raise their heads from the water to listen to thy words, when they saw a stupid beast prostrate itself to adore Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament, I bless, praise and venerate thee, I thank God for having worked such prodigies to confirm thy faith, thy sanctity and thy teachings; I implore thee to obtain for me the grace to hear with fruit, the word of God, and to be devout to the Holy Sacrament of the altar. Ninth Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, even to obliging the infernal spirits to obey thee, and to quit the bodies which they possessed, by saying to them, "Behold the cross of the Lord! Fly, ye powers of darkness, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has conquered. Alleluia." I bless, praise and venerate thee, and, thanking God for giving thee such power over hell, beseech thee to cause me to be delivered and preserved from the snares and temptation of the devil, as well as all those who recite with faith, and carry with confidence the words pronounced by thy tongue.Tenth Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, by reconciling enemies, converting malefactors and robbers, humbling a tyrant at thy feet, and humiliating hardened heretics, I bless, praise and venerate thee, I thank God for giving such strength and persuasion to thy words, and I implore thee to obtain for me grace and zeal to exercise fraternal correction without human respect, but with prudence and meekness, so as to prevent evil and effect good.Eleventh Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, who hast commanded with authority and faith, the unchained elements, disease and death itself, while God has worked through your instrumentality so many astounding prodigies, prodigies which He still continues from day to day, I bless, praise and venerate thee. I thank God for granting thee the privilege of distributing so many graces and working such wondrous miracles, and I implore thee to use it in my favor, and in favor of all those who have devotion to thee.Twelfth Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
O Marvelous Saint, whose Blessed Tongue didst always bless the Lord, and cause others to bless Him, thanks to all thy prerogatives, thanks to the veneration in which thou hast ever been held, thanks to thy powerful intercession, all can clearly see how great is thy merit before God, Who gives thee such glory in heaven, so much power and veneration on earth, I rejoice with thee, I praise and venerate thee, and, thanking God for all thy virtues, merits and the glory which He gives thee, and will give thee in heaven and on earth, I promise to be truly devout to thee by imitating thy virtues as far as I am able, especially by keeping my tongue from sin, by employing it in praising and thanking God, and praying never more to offend Him. Obtain for me from our Lord, with the pardon of all the faults which my tongue has committed, or made others commit, the grace never more to make use of it to offend Him. For this intention, I will recite every day, or at least every Tuesday, the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father, thirteen times, to thank the Most Holy Trinity for the graces, glory and thirteen privileges which have been granted to thee, in order to be worthy of thy protection during this life, of thy assistance at the hour of my death, and of thy blessed company in heaven. AmenThirteenth Day
Our Father etc. Hail Mary etc. Glory Be to the Father. etc.
![]() Litany of Saint Anthony (For private devotion)
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy.
Responsory to St. Anthony of PaduaChrist have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, pray for us. St. Anthony of Padua, pray for us. * St. Anthony, glory of the Friars Minor, * St. Anthony, lily of virginity, * St. Anthony, gem of poverty, * St. Anthony, example of obedience, * St. Anthony, mirror of abstinence, * St. Anthony, vessel of purity, * St. Anthony, star of sanctity, * St. Anthony, model of conduct, * St. Anthony, beauty of paradise, * St. Anthony, ark of the testament, * St. Anthony, keeper of the Scriptures, * St. Anthony, teacher of the truth, * St. Anthony, preacher of grace, * St. Anthony, exterminator of vices, * St. Anthony, planter of virtues, * St. Anthony, conqueror of heretics, * St. Anthony, terror of infidels, * St. Anthony, consoler of the afflicted, * St. Anthony, searcher of consciences, * St. Anthony, martyr in desire, * St. Anthony, terror of the devils, * St. Anthony, horror of hell, * St. Anthony, performer of miracles, * St. Anthony, restorer of lost things, * St. Anthony, helper in need, * St. Anthony, Purveyor for God's Poor, * Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us. V. St. Anthony, pray for us. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us Pray: O God let the votive commemoration of Blessed Anthony, Thy Confessor, be a source of joy to Thy Church, that she may always be fortified with spiritual assistance, and may deserve to possess eternal joy, through Christ our Lord. Amen
If miracles you fain would see;
(Indulgence 200 days, once a day)
Lo, error, death, calamity, The Leprous stain, the demon flies, From beds of pain the sick arise. The hungry seas forego their prey, The prisoner's cruel chains give way; While palsied limbs and chattels lost, Both young and old recovered boast. And perils perish; plenty hoard, Is heaped on hunger's famished board. Let those relate who know it well, Let Padua of her patron tell. The hungry seas forego their prey, The prisoner's cruel chains give way; While palsied limbs and chattels lost, Both young and old recovered boast. Glory be to the Father, etc. The hungry seas forego their prey, The prisoner's cruel chains give way; While palsied limbs and chattels lost, Both young and old recovered boast. V. Pray for us, blessed Anthony. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us Pray O God, may the votive commemoration of blessed Anthony, Your confessor and doctor, be a source of joy to Your Church, that she may always be fortified with spiritual assistance and deserve to enjoy eternal rewards. Through Christ our Lord. Amen Prayer for the Restoration of Things Lost or Stolen
O Blessed St. Anthony! the grace of
God has made thee a powerful advocate
in all necessities, and the patron for the
restoration of things lost or stolen; to
thee I turn today with childlike love and
heartfelt confidence. Oh, how many
thousands hast thou miraculously aided
in the recovery of lost goods! Thou wast
the counsellor of the erring, the comforter
of the afflicted, the healer of the
sick, the raiser of the dead, the deliverer
of the captive, the refuge of the afflicted;
to thee do I hasten, O Blessed St. Anthony.
Help me in my present affliction. I recommend
what I have lost to thy care, in the
secure hope that thou wilt restore it to
me, if it be to the greater glory of God,
and to the spiritual benefit of my soul,
that I may praise and thank thee, in
time and eternity, for thy glorious
intercession in my behalf. Amen.
Ejaculations to St. Anthony
St. Anthony, whom the infant Jesus loved and honored so signally, grant us what we ask of thee. St. Anthony, powerful in word and work, grant us [here mention intention]. St. Anthony, attentive to those who invoke thee, obtain for us the grace of holy purity, meekness, humility, and obedience. St. Anthony, pray for our priests, relatives, and benefactors, and for all in authority in Church and State. ![]() Writing on Our Lady Star of the Sea Mary is our Star of the Sea (Stella Maris). In this regard St. Anthony makes a beautiful comparison between ourselves and the angels. They, who are secure from all storms and abiding on the safe shores of eternity salute Mary, their Queen, merely by exclaiming Ave, gratia plena (Hail, full of grace!); we however, by exclaiming "Ave Maria!" The reason for this latter invocation? Simply this: "Mary," etymologically speaking signifies the bitter waters of the sea in which we are in danger of being submerged, but from which through her we are protected, escape all danger and arrive at the safe haven of eternity; for she is the Star of the Sea who rescues us from tempests, shows us the way, and guides us to the port of safety. No wonder then that St. Anthony in his dying hours intoned the beautiful hymn Ave gloriosa Domina--"Hail glorious "Queen"--for to him she had always been "a radiant star, illuminating the night, and showing the way" to the safe haven of eternity (Stella praeradians, node illuminans, ad portum dirigens). She it was who was to guide him to Christ "as a shining light, pointing to the King of Kings, God Almighty" (Sicut flamma coruscans et Regem Regum Deum demonstrans). Ave Maris Stella Additional Prayers and Devotions to St. Anthony of Padua